Andy Talks
Join Andy Stoddard as he shares with us his daily reflection. Along with an occasional surprise.
Podcasting since 2020 • 843 episodes
Andy Talks
Latest Episodes
Reflections with Andy - Fruit Examination, Part Two - Galatians 5: 22-26
We continue today with our deeper look at each of the Fruit. We’re going to do another day of “Furit Inspection,” where we look more closely at individual fruits and see if these fruit are in our lives. Today, we’ll look at peace, kindnes...

Bonus Sermon - Ash Wednesday - In Secret
In our Ash Wednesday Sermon from March 5, 2025, we look at Matthew 6: 1-6; 16-21. Jesus tells His followers that when they fast and pray, they should do so in secret. During this Lenten season, may we spend time in secret, giving Jesus the room...

Reflections with Andy - Fruit Examination, Part One - Galatians 5: 22-26
As we return to the Fruit of the Spirit today, we’ll take time to look a little deeper at each of the Fruit. We’ll do what a pastor of mine used to call a “fruit inspection.” What do each of the fruit mean? What can we learn from them? How can ...

Reflections with Andy - Ash Wednesday - Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21
Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent. For churches that may not be liturgical, you may be unfamiliar with this day and season. This is the beginning of the forty days leading to Easter. It is a time of repentance, of fast...

Reflections with Andy - The Fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-26
There may not be a passage that I have meditated upon more these last few years than the Fruit of the Spirit. When I look to the people that I desire to follow, that I desire to have disciple me, now, over and over again, this is what I look fo...