Andy Talks

Reflections with Andy - The Posture of our Worship - Malachi 1: 6-14

Andy Stoddard

Today, the Lord condemns the priests for how they lead worship.  They have despised the Lord’s table by bringing sacrifices that are not worthy of the Lord. As you’ve heard it said before, I’m sure the Lord deserves our best. Now, I was raised that means our best clothing.  I still can’t go to church without a sports coat. But it means more than that. It means the posture of our hearts. It means our attitudes. It means our expectations.  Do we expect to encounter God in worship?  Do we expect to meet Him there? Are we prepared?  Have we prayed?  Do we come to worship with that expectation? The posture of our worship, in many ways, determines if we encounter God there or not.

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