Andy Talks

Reflections with Andy - Rushing to Judgment - John 7: 37-52

September 18, 2024 Andy Stoddard

Jesus tells all who come to Him that they will receive living waters. This water will flow forth from their hearts through the Holy Spirit. This leads to all manner of discussion about whether He is the Messiah or not. The thing the religious leaders say to prove He isn't is this. He’s from Galilee, not Bethlehem. They knew that! There is only one problem. They were wrong. They did not know the entire story. They rushed to judgment. He was from Bethlehem. They just didn't know. Today, let’s not make the same mistake. Let’s not rush to judgment. Let’s be wise and discerning. Let’s listen, and let’s act wisely.

Shameless plug, here’s a link to Method(ist) to the Madness -

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