Andy Talks

Reflections with Andy - Not As Strong as We Think We Are - John 13: 36-38

Andy Stoddard

Peter says he will go with Jesus even to lay down his life. Jesus says that will not happen; in fact, quite the opposite. Peter will deny Jesus three times!  We’ll look at that story later in our readings, but today, consider this. Peter wasn’t being arrogant; I just think he thought he was stronger than he was. He was not as strong as he thought he was. We should aspire to be faithful, holy, and stand up for Jesus. But we should also understand that we are weak and frail. God understands this, and so should we. We should stand, yes. But we should stand with humility.

Shameless plug: here’s a link to Method(ist) to the Madness, our new, hopefully entertaining podcast about church history. -

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