Andy Talks

Reflections with Andy - Holiness - John 17: 6-19

Andy Stoddard

Today, we see Jesus continue His prayer for the church. He asks the Father not to take us out of the world but to keep us safe in it. Often in our lives, our growth doesn’t come from easy times but from hard times. God’s desire for us is not that we are happy, but God’s desire for us is that we are holy. We see Him pray for our sanctification or our holiness. But let’s remember that holiness is not morality. Morality leads to legalism: I’m good, you’re bad. Holiness is God’s love, being shed abroad in our hearts so that we perfectly love God and neighbor.

Shameless plug: here’s a link to Method(ist) to the Madness, our new, hopefully entertaining podcast about church history. -

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