Andy Talks

Reflections with Andy - Working it for Good - Esther 2: 19-23

Andy Stoddard

We see the story of Esther continuing to play out. Mordecai hears about a plot to assassinate the king, and he tells Esther, who in turn tells the king.  He then has these two men impaled upon poles. This may not seem like a lot happening, but see that Mordecai is involved and doing good. He tells Esther, who then tells an irrational king.  These steps don’t seem like that much, but in time, they will be the very steps that will help save God’s people. God is bringing all these little, seemingly insignificant things together.  We will see how all these things play out. God will work it all for good in the coming chapters. 

Shameless plug: here’s a link to Method(ist) to the Madness, our new, hopefully entertaining podcast about church history. -

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